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Top 3 outdoor trends moving on

Timeless Design

Moving into 2022, a big trend is in up-cycling what we have. And when buying new, invest in ergonomic, long-lasting, and timelessly designed outdoor furniture that will stand the test of time in any space without replacing. 

Eco Friendly options

Eco-outdoors is not a new term, but with people stuck indoors for most of 2020. Traditional wooden outdoor furniture is a trend that is going nowhere as people return to traditional craft and carving. Look for products made from natural timber like Teak, Oak, or Bamboo when choosing your next outdoor dining setting.


Multifunctional outdoor furniture is a big trend coming in for 2022 with people looking to maximize their spaces and make room for Zoom classes and workouts at home. Gone are the days when a table is just a table, outdoor extension tables as well as quick and easy pack downs make spaces transformational for all the seasons to come, tables with hidden compartments for quick and easy storage are also in for the new year. Turn any outdoor cabinets into outdoor bar table tops with the addition of outdoor bar stools for modern multifunctional storage and entertaining space.

Factors to consider when choosing outdoor furniture

Outdoor furniture needs to maintain its appearance over many seasons and should ideally withstand a variety of weather conditions. Moreover, the effort and duration it takes to maintain the furniture should be examined and thus the furniture needs to be chosen wisely. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing outdoor materials.


Frequent rain or humidity can play havoc on outdoor furniture. It is important to choose furniture which is resistant to degradation from water-based problems. Moisture can reduce the lifespan of your furniture as well as pose health risks.

Fungus, Mold & Rot

Fungus thrives in humid or moist conditions. Certain materials are more prone to mold if there is constant water retention on the material. This can be harmful as it can also cause breathing problems or other health-related issues. While fungus and mold can be cleaned off, once the furniture starts to rot, it would cause decaying of the material thus reducing its lifespan.

Rust & Corrosion

Rust is the fastest way to spoil the look of any good outdoor furniture as corrosion caused by rust will lead to the weakening of the metal. Outdoor furniture made of metal should be avoided in coastal regions as the salt in the air accelerates the rusting process and eventually renders your furniture useless.

Shape Loss

Certain materials do not dry uniformly after being wet and in such a case, this could lead to warping or twisting of the material and would over time alter the shape of the furniture thus making it impractical or ugly looking.

Sun, Temperature & Fading

Extreme sun and heat will lead your furniture the lose its look and eventually fade. Therefore, materials must be able to withstand extreme heat and cold as well as harsh UV rays. Consistent exposure could lead to uneven fading and loss of luster over time.